Thursday, June 24, 2010

8 Weeks!

Woohoo! You've got one whole inch of baby inside of you! Your little embryo has finally reached the one-inch mark (30mm). And if it were possible to take a peek, you could actually see your tiny baby without a telescope! What’s more, your baby is finally starting to take on some very distinct human features. For starters, their little tail (really just the spinal cord) has disappeared completely. It’s nice to know your baby can no longer be mistaken for a sea creature! Additionally, both their toes and fingers are prominent with very little, if any, webbing. Upper and lower limbs all show recognizable joints (elbows and knees) and the lower limb bones are starting to ossify. But don’t expect your baby to resemble either parent quite yet. Right now, your baby’s head is disproportionately larger than the rest of their body--making up almost half of your little one’s height and weight!

And I have an app on my ipod that says this:

More facial features become apparent, such as the upper lip, tip of the nose, and the eyelids. If you were to peer at your baby very closely you could actually start seeing a tiny mouth. Inside this mouth your baby's tongue is starting to take shape. Your baby's eyes also start taking on a more natural appearance, as the retina begins to shape and form. Week eight finds retinas developing as well as eye pigment. Fingers and toes form on the ends of the little arms and legs that formed from the tiny buds. The baby's genitals are developing, too, but it's too early to determine the gender. The embryo is now as big as a raspberry.

In other news, I am thinking of moving my blog back to blogger. I really don't like wordpress and I only moved for security reasons, which I don't think are a concern anymore. Would it be a major pain for people if I moved again?


  1. Yea for 8 weeks. A pain for me? heavens no! Just link me to where you are and I there! : )

  2. Yea, go where you like, I will follow :)

    YAY 8 weeks!

  3. Not a problem for me! And congrats on 8 weeks! That is wonderful! I love the updates you have - where do you get them from??

  4. You don't like wordpress? Maybe it is because you're not hosting it yourself. I LOVE wordpress!

  5. Congrats on reaching 8 weeks! Just be sure to give us all your new blog link! :)

  6. So happy for you. If you move please keep me posted so that I can continue to share your happiness and excitement.

  7. Yay! Isn't it amazing how young they are when they start to form body parts? It's a tiny 1 inch baby! Congrats!

  8. Amanda-I hate it! I hate the templates. I hate that they don't offer a lot of the same free things blogger does. I hate that you can't see your blog list in order of most updated. I hate that the tags take you to all the entries with that tag in all of wordpress instead of just to other entries on your blog. The only reason I like wordpress is because of the password feature, but I don't use it anymore!

    Heather-I get my updates from here

  9. Not a pain that you would move...just let me follow along :-)

  10. One inch is awesome! I love it that you can think of all the little parts forming and everything taking form. I am so happy for you! Praying for good weeks ahead :-)

  11. Do whatever works best for you. Either way, I'll be excited to read every update! Love to you and Todd (and baby Wright)
