Monday, December 3, 2007

Hannah's Prayer

I wanted to encourage any Christian women who struggle with infertility to visit the ministry of Hannah's Prayer. The part of this ministry that is particular help and encouragement to me is the Message Board. It has been so refreshing and therapeutic to be in a "world" surrounded by women who understand the "rules." There's a whole world of people who "get it" and who don't need an explanation of the moodiness, the laments, the despair, the loneliness, the hopes, and the dreams, of this journey. If you're seeking a place to share part of your journey with other like-minded women, I'd encourage you to join us. The women in this community are there to encourage and spur you on with love, encouragement, accountability and biblical truth.

The community is for women at any place in their infertility journey. This includes women who are not trying to conceive, women who are already parents (through fertility treatments, marriage or adoption) but still suffer or suffered infertility, and women who will never be parents because they've chosen to refrain from pursuing other options.

If this sounds like a place that would be of encouragement to you, please join us!


  1. Hi! I came here through the link you provided from Hannah's Prayer (you called it Hannah's Hope, which I thought it was interesting b/c that is the title of the book the founder of HP (hannah's prayer) has written. I hope you can find a copy :)

    I want to commend your brave decision of opening what others' might see as a 'can of warms' and talking about such a difficult, personal and heartwrenching subject. I often blog about this myself, as well as loss (two babies in Heaven). I think that it might be, as I think you might have already said, therapeautic to lay it all in the open. I also pray you will find the love and encouragement as you travel this journey at Hannah's Prayer. I am not able to be online as often as I wish but contact me anytime you wish!
    In Jesus, Miriam (fellow HP & PCOS suffer)

  2. LOL the name mixup was a total accident! I just ordered the book yesterday so that must be where I got the names mixed up. I just corrected it. Thank you and thank you for your encouragement!

  3. Hi Jen, thanks for coming by my site. Mind if I add you to my link list?
    Our primary infertility(IF) struggle is male factor as well, although I don't have the best ovulation record. We have been trying to conceive our first baby since April of 2004, so we're inching frighteningly closer to the 4 year mark. We tried Clomid in hopes of doing a quick "unmonitored" IUI at my obgyn's office, but it didn't work out (I didn't respond as well as we'd hoped to the Clomid). We (as you could see from my most recent post) have an appt. with a specialist in January. The hard part is that the nearest specialist is more than 2 hours away (we live in a small town). But we've finally bitten the bullet and are going to an IF clinic. If we don't get the answers there that we want, we will immediately proceed with adoption paperwork.
    Anyway...that's our history in a nutshell.
    I hope you enjoy "Hannah's Hope"! I've read it a couple times--about every year I need a reread! There is a great community there at Hannah's prayer, although I haven't logged-in in months!
    I hope your IF journey ends soon!
