Thursday, September 23, 2010

Today's Ultrasound Update

Baby Matthew is, in a word, perfect. His heart is perfect, his brain is perfect, his spine is perfect, all the organs are the right sizes and in the right places. He's just perfect. A true miracle, handcrafted by His loving Creator.

Today's ultrasound was just as amazing as the one before. He continued to sass the tech and doctor with his non-compliance and squirrely movements. They teased us often about how we're going to have our hands full and that he's already giving us a run for our money.

But he's perfect. We've officially been discharged from the specialty imaging center's care, them having deemed their services "unnecessary" for the remainder of pregnancy.

It's just a little surreal. After 6 years of waiting, 5 babies in heaven, and a rough first half of our pregnancy, I guess I was just sort of holding my breath, half expecting for there to be something wrong. And we would have trusted our Savior and his if there had been something wrong, but I just can't explain what the words "normal" and "perfect" and "healthy" sound like after all of this. I still feel like I've entered an alternate reality, that isn't quite mine. Mine is the world full of difficulties and heartache and nothing coming the easy way...not perfect. But our great God has seen fit to give us this gift, and I don't know how to begin praising Him.

Of course, the doctor was careful to tell us that these images were an educated guess, not a scientific guarantee, but we are celebrating the news of today. If it changes, it changes. But today, he is perfect. We just sat and gazed at him for 45 minutes. We're so in love...I can tell I'm going to lose a lot of time just looking at him.

Without further ado, pictures! The technician is REALLY skilled, is very patient, and she got a brand new machine last week with all kinds of new bells and whistles. She was so sweet. She showed us all the technical stuff and then we asked if we could look at his face and she moved the wand over and jiggled him, and prodded him, and worked until she could get some nice images for us. She was so sweet and patient.

One of the main objectives of today was to look at his spinal cord. And she did. And then she flipped the 3D/4D switch. I have seen 4D ultrasound pics before, but never, ever, ever, one like this. This picture was simultaneously cool and creepy. But look how perfectly he is formed!

On this one you can sort of see his back, his shoulder, and the side of his head. Look at that darling little ear!

This is his profile-his ear is at like the 3/4 line if you divide the photo in fourths vertically. His eye socket is to the left of that. Then his cute little nose and mouth. I am just in love with his nose! That's his arm in the foreground and a foot or hand in the background to the left of the tip of his nose.

And here is his profile again, this time with his little hand in the air. Look at his fingers! "This little light of mine..."

And last but not least, my favorite photo of the day. You see his cute little head and face, and then he has his arms up in front of him, sort of making an "O" shape.

It was just perfect. I was a little disappointed for it to be over, because now there's not really any reason to go in and see him again, at least for a long time! I'm going to miss seeing him!

But now I'm going to transition from celebrating to petitioning. A woman I know from college had her ultrasound just like this one back in May, and they didn't get the kind of news we got today. Their son was diagnosed with a serious congenital heart defect. He was born 5 days ago and is fighting for his little life. He had a heart-cath procedure today to map out his heart for surgery, and from what I understand, they discovered an additional problem on top of the diagnosis he already had. I only really know her peripherally so what I know of their story is what I've been able to glean from her blog and her friend's posts and blogs, but she posted this tonight:

PRAYER WARRIORS: Now is the time!! We were just informed that Ewam requires emergency surgery. We were quoted some fairly grim numbers and this is his only chance. Please pray hard, and spread the word!!

And her friend posted this:

Tonight, after a long-awaited test, Kirsten and James learned that Ewan's heart prognosis is grim. He was ordered into an emergency surgery, and right now they're enduring the countdown of several hours of waiting, waiting, waiting . . . and praying, praying, praying. Even though they knew surgeries were ahead, they never expected them to come so urgently and immediately. It is a scary night for them.

As I write this (11:30 Pacific Time on Thursday night), he is still in surgery and his poor parents are still waiting. Please pray for this little guy, and for his parents. If you want to follow their story, they are at Team Ewan.

I just got back in touch with this woman tonight. I have no idea why God timed it the way He did. But having just been on that ultrasound table today, and imagining being in her shoes and what it would have been like to have my world turn upside down today and I just can't imagine. My heart is so heavy for them. I can't stop thinking about them. I just can't imagine what they're enduring. I read her blog and she has so much strength, even in the midst of this incredible trial. Pray, pray, pray for them. Pray for his sweet little life to be spared and for God's continued wisdom, peace, and sustaining power to be granted to his parents as they fight for him.

Thanks for checking in, dear ones. Love to you all.


  1. I'm so thankful that Matthew is perfect - such a blessing from God!

  2. This is awesome news! Congratulations on your perfect little boy!

    Prayers for your friends.

  3. What amazing pictures! Truly makes you stand in awe at the Creator. Congrats on a perfect baby boy!

  4. Matthew is a doll! Praying for little baby Ewan. Thanks for sharing both good news and news that needs prayer!

  5. Never knew you had a blog and found it through the Perona's blog. What wonderful news on how well your pregnancy has progressed and that you are have a son. What a wonderful name (all three) you have chosen. Glad you are all doing well and we can now keep up to date on your progress. We pray that God continues to bless you all.
