Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Another Milestone!

I got the letter from my doctor that Nightlight needs in order to allow us to proceed. I knew my doctor had told us at the last meeting that he didn't foresee any problems with me carrying a pregnancy, but I was still nervous when I called that some phantom concern would have developed between now and when I last saw him. Suffice it to say, I was really excited when the letter showed up.

It's short and to the point but that's how my doctor rolls. The sentence in red (my edit) is what matters! It constantly amazes me that between both DH and I, the only part that works just fine is my "oven," which is "all" we need for this joy of Embryo Adoption. He burdened our hearts for it and fashioned our bodies for it...that constantly amazes me.

I also talked to our Social Worker today. She said she expects to mail off our report on Friday or Monday. Shortly thereafter, BFF and C both contacted me to say that our worker had done her follow up phone interviews with them this morning. She needs one more to go with the report to the court, so it seems that's nearing the end too. And I'm glad I'd forgotten all about that part of the process--recommendations always make me nervous!

In other news, congratulations to William and Glenna, who I mentioned last week. Their little one, Isaiah, has finally arrived in to their arms!

Happiest congratulations also go to Elaine, who received a positive pregnancy test!

Congratulations, friends!


  1. Congratulations!! What a great milestone!!

    And YIKES on all those tests you have to take!!! I hope you're not squeamish around needles like I am, buddy!!! (My method for getting through blood draws is to (a) avoid them at all costs, and (b) tense every muscle in my body while babbling inanely or singing Austrian drinking songs and tapping my feet to distract myself during them.) We'll hope to hear good updates as you wade through them!!

    I visited your friends' blogs that you mention here - congratulations to both of them! How exciting!!


  2. Jen - that's great news!!

    Good luck with all the tests. I had to do 6 blood draws this cycle and it was crazy. I hope they can just do 1 blood draw (or 2 since you're going to RE and OB) and get all those crazy tests over with.


  3. I'm glad all these hurdles have been cleared. It's going by so fast that I'm just amazed!

  4. It getting closer. I'm getting excited for you. Here's plenty of good wishes for the weeks ahead

  5. Jen-
    My heart lept with joy when I read this post. How exciting I am so very thrilled for you. I was thinking the other day about how God uniquely prepares us for what lies ahead in amazing that he created your body in such a way that it aligned with your passions and that you are able to give life and a home to a child. I don't understand why he orchestrates things the way he does but I am passionately excited to rejoice as you and Todd become parents by His grace alone. I love you friend!

  6. Yes, no contraindications is fabulous!!! Things are really moving along nicely now. I'm wishing you the best of luck on the tests ahead, and I'm sure everything will run very smoothly :-) ((hugs))
