Sunday, January 10, 2010

Drive by Posting

Hi Friends,

Thank you for continuing to check in with me. This has been a crazy week. It started off with a trip to the Packers-Cardinals game (not THAT one, the one where the Packers actually won). The tickets were courtesy of dear friends (actually, the parents of sweet Skyler, who I mention here frequently). We had a great time.

Then we hung out with said friends Monday night. Our friend Mike, Sky's dad, has had a couple of brain tumors in the past few years. On Wednesday night I was over there and Mike had an episode that required he be taken to the ER, who decided to admit him. His MRIs show something..they're not sure what. But, one possibility is another tumor. He has surgery tomorrow.

As a result, we and another family from the church became the round-the-clock caregivers for their kids, so his wife could be at his side. So, we've really just not been home this week and I've certainly not had a chance to blog.

We went up to visit with Mike tonight and we got to spend an incredible 3 hours with him. Because of the issues, he's not been quite himself this week and has not always been lucid. But tonight, he spoke with perfect clarity, passion and truth. He spoke of God's greatness and mercy and providence. He extolled God for placing him in the hospital, where he's had the chance to minister and to witness. The hospital staff has been able to witness the great relationships he has with people who love him. Today, while visiting him, the Pastor had the chance to share the love of God with some staff members. Tonight, one of Mike's caregivers, a growing believer, overheard our conversation and enthusiastically jumped in with questions and thoughts of her own. It was incredible. And I was so humbled by the fact that Mike looked beyond his very great suffering and praised God for His purpose in this. How small is my suffering compared to his and how much I still have to learn! So thanks, sweet friend, for a great evening and for teaching us tonight.

But on that note, please pray for Mike. We really love him and he is an integral part of our lives. We're praying very specifically that this "thing" tomorrow is nothing more than scar tissue (or something else equally harmless) and that Mike will be healed, on this earth, from all tumors and cancers and that we all will have many, many more long and healthy years with him. Please also pray for his doctors-that they would be given excellence in wisdom and skill. Please also pray for his wife, children, and extended family, that they would be comforted.

On a much smaller note, we may be moving. It would result in an amazing opportunity for DH's business, but would require a lot of change and stress and work to get there. Would you please just pray for wisdom for us and the other people involved as we make this decision? Thank you!

Edited for clarity: We'd be moving across town, not from the area ;)


  1. ACK!! Not you guys too!! That would be... four of six! Where to?

    We're definitely keeping Mike in prayer, and the whole family. I'll be looking for updates this afternoon and hoping to hear the best.

    Love you guys!

  2. Oh, we're not moving away--just across town. :)

  3. whew, I got scared there for a minute!! I couldn't imagine CBC without you!
